Oil Tank Services & Protection
Arlington Fuel installs, maintains, and repairs boilers and water heaters. Our range of services are designed to keep clients reliably safe in their home. Our standard services include tank refills (automatic or on-demand), repairs, and new product installation. Additionally offer tank protection by means of the application of Heating Oil Plus, a corrosion inhibitor, which is added to fuel with every delivery. This application helps reduce the internal chemical damage to oil tanks that can render the equipment irreparable over time, if untreated. Arlington Fuel follows the industry standard in its use of this variety of additive, which is proven to be beneficial in mitigating the effects of corrosion in tanks. Our team of skilled technicians is trained to work on a variety of models, as well as troubleshoot and prevent (by means of early diagnosis) a variety of common problems. Annual inspections and preventative maintenance (including replacement of standard parts) are all part of our Total Comfort Protection Plan.

Automatic Deliveries
Arlington Fuel is pleased to offer an automatic delivery option so that clients can rely on consistent tank refills and avoid the stress and uncertainty of an oil shortage.